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2024. No. 16

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Image result for pdf logo M.V. Bedelbayeva (Karaganda, Kazakhstan), V.A. Novozhenov (Almaty, Kazakhstan), A.E. Rogozhinsky (Almaty, Kazakhstan), G.A. Kaldybaeva (Almaty, Kazakhstan). Petroglyphs-symbols of the Northern Balkhash Region in Kazakhstan (Antiquity and the Middle Ages)


Image result for pdf logo Yu.A. Prokopenko (Stavropol, Russia). Findings of arrowheads of the 9th — first half of the 8th — first half of the 7th centuries BCE in the Koban monuments cultural and historical community on the Stavropol upland


Image result for pdf logo S.B. Valchak (Moscow, Russia), S.N. Razumov (Tiraspol, Moldova), K.A. Frolova (Tiraspol, Moldova),  V.S. Sinika (Tiraspol, Moldova). Newgraves of the Pre-Scythian time on the left bank of the DniesterPt.


Image result for pdf logo A.O. Khotylev (Moscow, Russia), A.A. Mayorov (Moscow, Russia), V.S. Sinika (Tiraspol, Moldova). Stone slabs from the Scythian graves in the Lower Dniester region


Image result for pdf logo P.I. Shulga (Novosibirsk, Russia), D.P. Shulga (Novosibirsk, Russia)On the function of bronze “currycombs” from the Minusinsk Basin


Image result for pdf logo Gulnara Jumabekova (Almaty, Kazakhstan), Yerlan Amirov (Karaganda, Kazakhstan), Kyrym Altynbekov (Almaty, Kazakhstan), Elina Altynbekova (Almaty, Kazakhstan), Ramazan Zhanuzak (Almaty, Kazakhstan), Ainash Childebayeva (Austin, USA), Galiya Bazarbayeva (Almaty, Kazakhstan). Letum non omnia fenit (about one masterpiece of the Zhetysu Saka toreutic school)


Image result for pdf logo P.I. Shulga (Novosibirsk, Russia), I.V. Salnikova (Novosibirsk, Russia). The phenomenon of Indian rattle-mirrors and bronze bowls with a cone


Image result for pdf logo Mikhail Treister (Bonn, Germany), Nikolay Sudarev (Moscow, Russia). Gold pendants in the form of lion heads from the burials of the last quarter of the 5thcentury BCE of the necropoleis of the Taman Peninsula


Image result for pdf logo Mikhail Treister (Bonn, Germany), Irina Rukavishnikova (Moscow, Russia), Denis Beylin (Moscow, Russia). Bronze finger rings with the images on the bezels from Batyrskiy 1”Necropolis in the region of Novorossiysk


Image result for pdf logo Mikhail Treister (Bonn, Germany). Bosporan cosmetic spatulas of the Hellenistic period


Image result for pdf logo Elena Kuznetsova (Saratov, Russia), Dmitriy Shelepov (Saratov, Russia). Mineralogical and petrographic study of the molding mass of the Knidian amphorae


Image result for pdf logo Elena Kuznetsova (Saratov, Russia), Sergey Monakhov (Saratov, Russia), Nataliya Churekova (Saratov, Russia). Databases of ancient amphorae and stamps: results and prospects of digitalization of a mass ceramic source


Image result for pdf logo S.V. Yartsev (Tula, Russia), Ma Yan (Hohhot, China). A new find of grey clay pottery with dark lacquer coating from the excavations of “Adzhiel I” in the context of ethno-cultural interaction on the territory of the European Bosporus in the 1st century BCE


Image result for pdf logo Akın Temür (Samsun, Turkey), Özkan Özbilgin (Samsun, Turkey). A Group of Glass Vessels in Samsun Museum


Image result for pdf logo E.V. Vdovchenkov (Rostov-on-Don, Russia), A.A. Podorozhny (Rostov-on-Don, Russia), O.Yu. Aramova (Rostov-on-Don, Russia), D.O. Fesenko (Moscow, Russia), O.E. Polozencev (Rostov-on-Don, Russia), Ji Eun Lee (Gyeongju, Republic of Korea), I.V. Kornienko (Rostov-on-Don, Russia). Comprehensive paleogenetic study of a burial with a heraldic set from the Rostov settlement necropolis


Image result for pdf logo A.A. Krasnoperov (Izhevsk, Russia). Horse harness from burial 14 of the Oshkinsky Burial Ground on Vyatka and their context


Image result for pdf logo Victoria Gerasimova (Moscow, Russia), Anna Klochko (Moscow, Russia), Vladimir Kosorukov (Moscow, Russia). An approach to red slip ware typology using X-ray analysis data (on material found in the basement of the 2nd century CE building in the Tanais Citadel’s city square


Image result for pdf logo A.N. Sviridov (Moscow, Russia). The structure of coverings in side chamber graves of the Roman period in necropoleis near Chersonesus


Image result for pdf logo S.V. Yazikov (Moscow, Russia). Metal parts of shields from the Roman period burial grounds Frontovoe 3 and Kil-Dere 1


Image result for pdf logo S.A. Yatsenko (Moscow, Russia). Tamgas of Sarmatians, Transoxiana’ Hūnā and Xiongnu


Image result for pdf logo A.A. Vnukov (Tula, Russia), S.V. Yartsev (Tula, Russia), E.V. Shushunova (Tula, Russia), V.G. Zubarev (Tula, Russia). Social and cultural analysis of a figured belt buckles from the Chief Burial in the Porogi village and its historical context


Image result for pdf logo Rustem Darmenov (Astana, Kazakhstan), Bakyt Khassenova(Almaty, Kazakhstan), Аgabek Nazarov (Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan). Signet ring with an inscription Muhammad” from the medieval settlement of Jankent


Image result for pdf logo M.S. Gadjiev (Makhachkala, Russia), A.L. Budaychiev (Makhachkala, Russia), A.M. Abdulaev (Makhachkala, Russia). Underground brick building of the 11th — early 13th centuries in Shahristan of Derbent (Bab al-abwab)


Image result for pdf logo Sz. Rosta (Kecskemét, Hungary), Gy. Gulyás (Kecskemét, Hungary), Zs. Gallina (Kecskemét, Hungary), I. Pánya (Kecskemét, Hungary), A. Türk (Budapest, Hungary). Significant results of archaeological research the past 30 years on the Mongol invasion (1241—42) in Medieval Hungarian Kingdom




Image result for pdf logo M.A. Vedeshkin (Moscow, Russia). Constantius Chlorus and the Great Persecution


Image result for pdf logo Arkadi Akopov (Gyumri, Armenia), Hasmik Matikyan (Gyumri, Armenia), Armen Hayrapetyan (Gyumri, Armenia). The Principality of Tayk in the context of the regional policy of Byzantine Empire during the reign of Basil II


Image result for pdf logo Yu.V. Seleznev (Voronezh, Russia). “Mongol/Horde factor” in inter-princely feuds in Russia in 1238—1300


Image result for pdf logo L.F. Abzalov (Kazan, Russia), M.S. Gatin (Kazan, Russia), I.A. Mustakimov (Astana, Kazakhstan), R.Yu. Pochekaev (Saint Petersburg, Russia). “Toll roads” in the Chinggisid States of 13th—14th cc.


Image result for pdf logo Lamiya Gafar-zada (Baku, Azerbaijan). “...One of their chiefe festivall daies”: the historical significance of the first Safavid trade privileges to the British



Military History


Image result for pdf logo O.M. Agatay (Astana, Kazakhstan), Zh.M. Sabitov (Astana, Kazakhstan), Z.O. Ibadullayeva (Astana, Kazakhstan), N.A. Dossymbetov (Almaty, Kazakhstan). Firearms in the Noghaic-Kazakh heroic epos


Image result for pdf logo L.A. Bobrov (Novosibirsk, Russia), O.M. Agatay (Astana, Kazakhstan), S.S. Khasenov (Astana, Kazakhstan). Mail coif of the second half of the 16th — mid 19th centuries from the collection of the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan




Image result for pdf logo Ilya Prokopov (Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria), Mariana Slavova (Haskovo, Bulgaria). The coin hoard from the Sarnitsa village, Haskovo region. Towards the question of clarifying the origin of Thasos imitations or barbarization


Image result for pdf logo Vedat Keleş (Samsun, Turkey), Fatma Kızılyalçın Oyarçin (Erzurum, Turkey). Roman provincial coins found in the excavations of the Slope Bath of Parion (2008—2018)


Image result for pdf logo Denis Andriyevskiy (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Michael Choref (Haifa, Israel). A treasure of Roman provincial tetradrachms of the 3rd century from the vicinity of Sevastopol 


Image result for pdf logo Michael Choref (Haifa, Israel). Cast trimmed replicas of Bosporan staters as a source of historical information


Image result for pdf logo Ersin Çelikbaş (Karabük, Turkey), Kasım Oyarçin (Samsun, Turkey). The First Numismatic Evidence from the Inner Castle Baptistery of Paphlagonian Hadrianopolis 


Image result for pdf logo P.N. Petrov (Almaty, Kazakhstan), J.M. Beltenov (Almaty, Kazakhstan). On the issue of the gold dinars of the Central Asian Chinggisids (some numismatic materials of the first half of the 13th century) 


Image result for pdf logo P.N. Petrov (Almaty, Kazakhstan), A.E. Rogozhinsky (Almaty, Kazakhstan). The chronology of commodity-money relations in the Medieval town of Aspara (based on numismatic artifacts)




Image result for pdf logo Michael Choref (Haifa, Israel). On the question of dating the dedicatory inscription of Aspurgus found in 2013 in Gorgippia


Image result for pdf logo Abbreviations


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