MAIASK. 2015. No. 7

A.M. Novichikhin (Anapa, Russia)


Bondarenko M. E. Sinds. Ethnographic characteristics

of the ancient tribes of the Asian Bosporus. M., 2012. 152 p.

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Pages: 339-346

The Review contains a critical analysis of the book by M. E. BondarenkoSinds. Ethnographic characteristics of the ancient tribes of the Asian Bosporus” (Moscow, 2012), stated as a research monograph. This publication is not research. Rather, this book should be seen as a tutorial giving an insight into the history and culture of Sinds and the extent of their studying at the present stage.


Key words: archaeology, history, Sinds, Sindica, Sindian state.


Received November 24, 2015
Accepted for publication November 31, 2015


Сведения об авторе:

Novichikhin Andrew Mikhailovich (Anapa, Russia). Candidate of Historical Sciences, Deputy Head of the Anapa Archaeological Museum for Science.
