MAIASK. 2016. No. 8

A. A. Romensky (Kharkov, Ukraine)


Cherson in the Time of Changes (Review: Khapaev V. V. 2016. Vizantyskiy Сherson

na rubezhe tysyacheletiy: vtoraya polovina Xpervaya polovina XI vv. Sebastopol: N. Orіanda

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Pages: 687-698

The book of V. V. Khapaev deals with the basic problems of the history of Byzantine Cherson at the turn of the Х—XI centuries. Special attention is given to Prince Vladimir’s Korsun campaign, as well as the problem of the causes, scope and chronology of the destruction of the city. The author concludes that the layer of destruction was caused by the powerful earthquake that had occurred in the beginning of XI century. The catastrophe was accompanied by the damage of the walls and curtains, most of the early medieval basilicas and residential estates. The researcher reconstructs the seismic history of the Crimea, considers the reliable data on the Crimean earthquakes and debunks a number of historiographical stereotypes about them. The economic and military-political situation of Cherson and theme in the second half of the Х — first half of ХI centuries is analyzed.


Key words: Cherson, Byzantium, Rus’, Prince Vladimir, earthquake, seismic hypothesis.


Received September 22, 2016
Accepted for publication October 11, 2016


About the author:

Romensky Alexandr Alexandrovich (Kharkov, Ukraine), Candidate of Historical Sciences, methodologist of the municipal institution

School of Arts of Kharkov City Council”.
