MAIASK. 2016. No. 8
S. À. Yatsenko (
On Planning of the Elite Necropolises and
the Necropolises’ Elite Sections of the Early Steppe Nomads
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Pages: 46-75
The main models of planigraphy of the Eurasian Steppe early nomads’ special
elite necropolises and elite sections of them were analyzed. Usually such
necropolis / section were a string of barrows. In European Steppe the special
elite cemeteries were placed near the settlements of agricultural peoples, in
the Central Asia — near a small rivers and in the mountain pastures’ zone.
For the completion of such elite cemeteries the magic of sacred numbers: 3,
5, 7, 12 were important. The various models of elite sections in the clan
barrow necropolises were studied: two parallel strings with big barrows in
the eastern one; the big barrows location in the bottom of a hill, near a spring;
in the center of string; the string of big barrows as a centerline with small
barrows around it; big barrows concentration on the northern border of
cemetery; the big barrow create a discharged chain length up to |
Key words: elite necropolises, elite sections of necropolises,
the main variants of planigraphy, early Steppe
nomads of |
Received December 29, 2016 |
îá àâòîðå: Yatsenko Sergey Aleksandrovich
(Ìîñêâà, Ðîññèÿ). Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department
of Socio-Cultural Studies of the E-mail: |