MAIASP. 2021. No. 13 M.S. Gadjiev (Makhachkala, Russia), A.L. Budaychiev (Makhachkala,
Russia), A.M. Abdulaev (Makhachkala,
Russia), R.H. Mamaev (Grozny,
Russia) HEAD
OF MACE-SHESHPER FROM DERBENT DOI: 10.53737/2713-2021.2021.33.13.017 Access
this article (PDF File) Pages: 619—641 |
The article examines the iron head of the mace-sheshper found
during archaeological research in Derbent. The find
was made on the territory of a newly discovered Muslim burial ground dating
from the last third of the 11th — 12th centuries and including more than |
Key words: Daghestan, Derbent, Bab al-abwab, Seljuks, mace, sheshper, funeral complex |
April 18, 2021 Accepted
for publication May 10, 2021 |
About the authors: Gadjiev Murtazali
Serazhutdinovich ( E-mail: Budaychiev Arsen
Lakhmanovich ( E-mail: Abdulaev Abdula
Magomedovich ( E-mail: Mamaev Rashid Hamidovich ( E-mail: