MAIASP. 2024. No. 16

M.V. Bedelbayeva (KaragandaKazakhstan), V.A. Novozhenov (AlmatyKazakhstan), A.E. Rogozhinsky (AlmatyKazakhstan), G.A. Kaldybaeva (AlmatyKazakhstan)

Petroglyphs-symbols of the Northern Balkhash Region in Kazakhstan (Antiquity and the Middle Ages)

DOI: 10.53737/2713-2021.2024.14.71.001

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Pages: 13—28

The article is devoted to the analysis of petroglyphs-symbols founded in the figurative monuments of the Northern Balkhash Region and Betpakdala and having complex mythological content, which is repeated in the form of symbolic signs similar in iconography, found over vast geographical spaces. These include images of solar signs, labyrinths, lattices, as well as some animals, chariots, anthropomorphic characters and clan’s tamgas. The analogies proposed by the authors indicate the vast geography of their distribution and contacts of the local population with the southern regions of Central Asia both in the Bronze Age and in subsequent historical periods.

Key words: Betpakdala, chariots, Schrenk’s tulip, sun-headed characters, solar signs, tamgas, migrations, sacred landscapes.

Received March 10, 2024.

Accepted for publication May 23, 2024.

About the authors:

Bedelbayeva Marina Vasilyevna (KaragandaKazakhstan). Candidate of Historical Sciences, Buketov Karaganda University, Head of Museum of Archeology and Ethnography of Saryarka Archaeological Institute.


Novozhenov Viktor Alexandrovich (AlmatyKazakhstan). Candidate of Historical Sciences, UNESCO Center for the Rapprochement of Cultures.


Rogozhinsky Alexey Evgenievich (AlmatyKazakhstan). Candidate of Historical Sciences, Margulan Institute of Archaeology.


Kaldybaeva Gaukhar Askarovna (AlmatyKazakhstan). Margulan Institute of Archaeology.
