MAIASP. 2024. No. 16

A.N. Sviridov (Moscow, Russia)

The structure of coverings in side chamber graves of the Roman period in necropoleis near Chersonesus

DOI: 10.53737/2713-2021.2024.45.22.019

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Pages: 449463

Preliminary observations are presented on the ways of closing the side chambers in graves, which is among the aspects of burial structures of the Roman period in Southwestern Crimea that has been limitedly studied. Based on the data from the Frontovoe 3 cemetery, a classification is proposed, with two types of coverings, one of which used stones and the other did not. The second type, in particular, represents five modes of placing stones above the chamber in the fill of the pit. The classification was then extrapolated to the most fully excavated necropoleis of the same period in the vicinity of Chersonesus, and since a similar diversity of grave coverings has now been recorded elsewhere, a hypothesis is proposed that this was due to chronological reasons.

Key words: undercut, stone barrier, grave, necropolis, vicinity of Chersonesus, Roman period.

Received July 31, 2024

Accepted for publication August 15, 2024

About the author:

Sviridov Aleksey Nicolaevich (Moscow, Russia). Institute of Archaeology of Russian Academy of Sciences
