MAIASP. 2021. No. 13

Kutluay Erk (Bornova/İzmir, Turkey)

Book revIew: Apatóczky, Á.B., Atwood, Ch.P. (eds.), Kempf, B. (g.-ed.). 2018. PhIlology of the Grasslands: Essays In MongolIc, TurkIc, and TungusIc StudIes. LeIden; Boston: BrIll (The languages of AsIa. Vol. 17)

DOI: 10.53737/2713-2021.2021.94.59.038

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Pages: 985—990

Professor György Kara, a distinguished member of academia, celebrated his 80th birthday recently. His students and colleagues commemorated this occasion with papers on Altaic Studies. The work, which consists of 24 articles, was edited by Ákos Bertalan Apatóczky and Christopher P. Atwood, and guest-edited by Béla Kempf. The main topics discussed in the work are Manuscripts-Texts Analyse, Sino-Mongol Glossaries, Middle Turkic, Middle Mongolian, Oirat, Tungus, Modern Mongolian, Khalka, Kipchak, Morphology.

Key words: review, altaistic, mongolian, philology, analyse.

Received July 14, 2021

Accepted for publication August 1, 2021

About the author:

Erk Kutluay (Bornova/İzmir, Turkey). PhD (Philology), Ege University, Institute of Turkish World Studies, Department of Turkish Language and Dialects
